Tuesday 4 June 2013

Getting Organized, first post

I'm really excited to introduce FIIT, Fully Invested In Training. This is my blog detailing all sorts of health and wellness tips, as well as general beauty information. My focus is on leading a healthy, active lifestyle, so I will be including many workouts to take to the gym with you, as well as general information to keep you on track with your goals.

To give a brief overview of myself - I am an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer who has been through my own challenging fitness journey. I had gained weight going into university, which made me feel awful and hopeless. I decided that I didn't want to live that way, so I set out a big goal to lose 60 pounds. I did, and I have maintained my weight loss. Now I want to help other women do the same - I love to motivate and encourage others to pursue those 'big goals' fearlessly.

If you check out my 'About' section, you'll have a better idea of what FIIT is. A short explanation would be - everyone should have the opportunity to access free information about health and fitness. I have spent a long time surfing the web and trying out many different things, that I want to make your life easier by providing you with those resources with just one click. I have combed over all the healthy eating websites as well as gone over countless workout programs to see which of them has been most effective. I've done the work so you don't have to.

I will have all the links posted shortly under my 'favourite websites' tab, to make it especially easy for you.

That being said, sometimes a little more help is necessary, so I do offer personal training sessions. The role of a personal trainer is this - we guide you through a program so that in time, you will have the knowledge and the ability to guide yourself through the program. You don't want to become dependent on your trainer by having to rely on them for a years worth of workouts - in 12 weeks, you should have sufficient training and knowledge to continue on in your journey. That's why I only offer that time frame.

For those that aren't interested in a custom plan, you will find plenty of other interesting things here. I have been through my fairshare of healthy cooking, so my 'Nutrition' tab will showcase some of my own culinary creations, as well as my favourites from other sites. Also, I will be doing recipe reviews, so that you can know whether it's good or bad before making it. Easy peasy.

Stay tuned, more to come later!


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